
(none) Matched route

Route Matching Logs

Path to match: /.git/config
# Route name Path Log
1 thumb /thumbs/{width}x{height}{action}/{file} Path does not match
2 thumb_alias /thumbs/{alias}/{file} Path does not match
3 login /bolt/login Path does not match
4 postLogin /bolt/login Path does not match
5 logout /bolt/logout Path does not match
6 resetpassword /bolt/resetpassword Path does not match
7 dbcheck /bolt/dbcheck Path does not match
8 dbupdate /bolt/dbupdate Path does not match
9 dbupdate_result /bolt/dbupdate_result Path does not match
10 fileedit /bolt/file/edit/{namespace}/{file} Path does not match
11 files /bolt/files/{namespace}/{path} Path does not match
12 about /bolt/about Path does not match
13 checks /bolt/checks Path does not match
14 clearcache /bolt/clearcache Path does not match
15 dashboard /bolt Path does not match
16 omnisearch-results /bolt/omnisearch Path does not match
17 prefill /bolt/prefill Path does not match
18 translation /bolt/tr/{domain}/{tr_locale} Path does not match
19 changelog /bolt/changelog Path does not match
20 changelogrecordsingle /bolt/changelog/{contenttype}/{contentid}/{id} Path does not match
21 changelogrecordall /bolt/changelog/{contenttype}/{contentid} Path does not match
22 systemlog /bolt/systemlog Path does not match
23 editcontent /bolt/editcontent/{contenttypeslug}/{id} Path does not match
24 overview /bolt/overview/{contenttypeslug} Path does not match
25 relatedto /bolt/relatedto/{contenttypeslug}/{id} Path does not match
26 users /bolt/users Path does not match
27 useredit /bolt/users/edit/{id} Path does not match
28 userfirst /bolt/userfirst Path does not match
29 useraction /bolt/user/{action}/{id} Path does not match
30 profile /bolt/profile Path does not match
31 roles /bolt/roles Path does not match
32 async /async Path does not match
33 changelogrecord /async/changelog/{contenttype}/{contentid} Path does not match
34 dashboardnews /async/dashboardnews Path does not match
35 lastmodified /async/lastmodified/{contenttypeslug}/{contentid} Path does not match
36 latestactivity /async/latestactivity Path does not match
37 makeuri /async/makeuri Path does not match
38 omnisearch /async/omnisearch Path does not match
39 readme /async/readme/{filename} Path does not match
40 populartags /async/populartags/{taxonomytype} Path does not match
41 tags /async/tags/{taxonomytype} Path does not match
42 asyncbrowse /async/browse/{namespace}/{path} Path does not match
43 file/autocomplete /async/file/autocomplete Path does not match
44 file/create /async/file/create Path does not match
45 file/delete /async/file/delete Path does not match
46 file/duplicate /async/file/duplicate Path does not match
47 file/rename /async/file/rename Path does not match
48 createfolder /async/folder/create Path does not match
49 renamefolder /async/folder/rename Path does not match
50 removefolder /async/folder/remove Path does not match
51 recordbrowser /async/recordbrowser Path does not match
52 contentaction /async/content/{action} Path does not match
53 stack/add /async/stack/add/{filename} Path does not match
54 stack/show /async/stack/show Path does not match
55 directories /async/check/directories Path does not match
56 email /async/check/email Path does not match
57 extensions /async/check/extensions Path does not match
58 widget /async/widget/{key} Path does not match
59 extend /bolt/extend Path does not match
60 check /bolt/extend/check Path does not match
61 dependsPackage /bolt/extend/depends Path does not match
62 prohibitsPackage /bolt/extend/prohibits Path does not match
63 dumpAutoload /bolt/extend/dumpAutoload Path does not match
64 update /bolt/extend/update Path does not match
65 install /bolt/extend/install Path does not match
66 uninstall /bolt/extend/uninstall Path does not match
67 installed /bolt/extend/installed Path does not match
68 installAll /bolt/extend/installAll Path does not match
69 installPackage /bolt/extend/installPackage Path does not match
70 installInfo /bolt/extend/installInfo Path does not match
71 packageInfo /bolt/extend/packageInfo Path does not match
72 generateTheme /bolt/extend/generateTheme Path does not match
73 upload /bolt/upload/{namespace} Path does not match
74 _profiler_router /_profiler/router/{token} Path does not match
75 _profiler_exception_css /_profiler/exception/{token}.css Path does not match
76 _profiler_exception /_profiler/exception/{token} Path does not match
77 _profiler_search /_profiler/search Path does not match
78 _profiler_search_bar /_profiler/search_bar Path does not match
79 _profiler_purge /_profiler/purge Path does not match
80 _profiler_info /_profiler/info/{about} Path does not match
81 _profiler_phpinfo /_profiler/phpinfo Path does not match
82 _profiler_search_results /_profiler/{token}/search/results Path does not match
83 _profiler /_profiler/{token} Path does not match
84 _wdt /_profiler/wdt/{token} Path does not match
85 _profiler_home /_profiler Path does not match
86 boltFormsAsyncSubmit /async/boltforms/submit Path does not match
87 homepage / Path does not match
88 preview /preview/{contenttypeslug} Path does not match
89 contentlink /{contenttypeslug}/{slug} Path almost matches, but Requirement for "contenttypeslug" does not match (pages|page|projects|project)
90 taxonomylink /{taxonomytype}/{slug} Path almost matches, but Requirement for "taxonomytype" does not match (reel|reel)
91 contentlisting /{contenttypeslug} Path does not match

Note: These matching logs are based on the current router configuration, which might differ from the configuration used when profiling this request.